Curriculum Council
The Dean of Curricular & Faculty Development and Curriculum Council are responsible for the publication of the Curriculum Council's Handbook. The Handbook describes procedures for submitting course proposals, new majors, minors, and concentrations, as well as procedures for General Education course approval and course development information.
ALL CURRICULUM COUNCIL FORMS | Exemplary proposals |
2024-2025 CC Calendar of
Remaining Deadlines
*Note: Late proposals will not be considered |
2/1/2025 |
Outgoing CC representatives will call for nominations for their replacements. |
2/5/2025 |
Deadline for submission of requests for inclusion in the Fall 2024 printed Program of Classes. Note: Requests approved after the Program is posted may still be included on the web-based list of courses for Fall 2024. |
2/5/2025 |
Departmental commitment to the Dean of Curricular & Faculty Development concerning faculty resources to teach Gateway Colloquia (for the next academic year). |
2/16/2025 |
The slate of CC nominees will be announced in academic units that need to elect a new representative. Two (2) days will be given for additions / deletions. |
2/17/2025 |
Deadline for submission of requests to the CC for faculty action in the current academic year. If the CC receives proposals after this date, it may need to postpone consideration until the following academic year. |
2/16/2025 |
4:00 PM DEADLINE for submission of course fee requests to the Thorpe Center for Fall 2025 registration. |
2/23/2025 |
Deadline for voting for CC representatives in academic units who are electing a new representative. |
4/19/2024 |
4:00 PM DEADLINE for submission to the Dean of Curricular & Faculty Development concerning final Gateway Colloquium course descriptions for the next academic year. |
CC Members for the 2024-25 Academic Year

New Curriculum Council Structure (Approved April 2014)
Curriculum Council Procedures (Approved April 2014)
General Education Direct Assessment Five-Year Rotation Calendar (Approved Fall 2013)
General Education Direct Assessment Plan (Approved Fall 2013)
Student Learning Assessment
2014 Curriculum Council Gateway Proposal (Approved April 2014),
2014 Curriculum Council Gateway Staffing Proposal
Gateway Related Historical Documentation,