Faculty Travel
Application Reminders:
- All Faculty Travel documentation/paperwork is to be emailed to the Thorpe Center (thorpe@iwu.edu).
- (*Reimbursements) Consult the most up-to-date version of the Faculty Development Handbook for reimbursement procedures regarding faculty travel. Reimbursement-related forms can be found on the Business Office's website.
(*If traveling with a vehicle from the university) Please refer to the University Vehicle Driving Policy. For insurance purposes, please have an electronic photo or a paper copy of this insurance card on hand when traveling on university-business with a university-vehicle.
- Note: This insurance card cannot be used for your personal vehicle, even if you are driving for IWU.
Blank Application:
Faculty need to obtain travel-approvals to access their professional development funds (in the following order):
- Travel’s Destination “Approval†(obtain confirmation of event and your role in it, if applicable)
- Supervisor’s/Department-Head’s Approval (discuss the opportunity w/ your supervisor and obtain their approval in writing)
- Approval from the Dean of Curricular & Faculty Development (submit a formal Faculty Travel Request, as well as documentation of the two aforementioned Approvals, if applicable, to the Thorpe Center via email)
After returning from your approved travels, submit a Travel Voucher (obtained from the Business Office), along with all related receipts, to the Thorpe Center via email within the approved, fiscal year. Please reference the Business Office’s Policies, along with the Faculty Development Handbook section on Professional Travel, when requesting reimbursements. (Note: Incorrect or incomplete forms will be subject to adjustments or require resubmission.)
After the reimbursement request has been approved by the Dean of Curricular & Faculty Development, the paperwork is then handed over to the Business Office. Their office is in charge of finalizing and dispersing the reimbursement to faculty.