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Frequently Asked Questions

What does the Thorpe Center do?

Thorpe is proud to sponsor many faculty development opportunities, including instructional design and technological assistance, internal grants through the Faculty Development Committee (FDC) and Council for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETAL), and even support for faculty travel and professional memberships.

Thorpe's Internal Grants' FAQ:

There are currently five grants offered via the Thorpe Center:

  1. The Artistic & Scholarly Development (ASD) Grant (via FDC)
  2. The Curriculum Development (CD) Grant (via CETAL)
  3. The Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Grant (via FDC)
  4. The Grant-Writing Incentive Program (GIP) Grant (via FDC)
  5. The Instructional Design (ID) Grant (via CETAL)

See the most up-to-date version of the Faculty Development Handbook for more details and guidelines about all of Thorpe's currently available grants. Grant applications can be found under Thorpe's "Applications & Forms" navigation tab.

Contact Thorpe's team for all inquiries relating to your awarded grant monies.

Instructional Design & Technologies' FAQ:

This team works to help develop both curricular initiatives and courses. In particular, Thorpe's Lead Instructional Designer and Instructional Technologist seek tocollaborate with IWU Faculty on ventures involving online and technological advancements in teaching and learning. Visit IDT's Course Development webpage to learn more about services available to Faculty.

See IDT's Events and Workshops webpage to learn about upcoming events. Individual sessions/consultations can be scheduled at any time -- submit a formal Request with this .

Course Fees' FAQ:

Fill out this before the current academic year's deadline (located in the most updated version of the Faculty Development Handbook). Any questions can be sent to the Thorpe Center via email.

If you miss the deadline for submitting a course fee request, you'll need to get in contact with both the Dean of Curricular & Faculty Development and the Registrar's Office to coordinate and discuss your options. Please note that, if the official deadline has passed, we cannot guarantee that your request will be honored.

Other FAQ pages: