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University Excellence Awards

University Excellence Awards are annual awards that recognize the efforts of faculty (tenure and teaching track) in one of three domains in their professional lives: Teaching, Scholarship, or Service. Three awards, one in each domain, will be announced annually at The Ames Library’s annual Faculty Scholarship and Creative Work Reception. Each award will include a $1000 stipend for the awardee. Award recipients are expected to share their work through CETAL and FDC programming in the awarded year via presentation at a workshop or event, including, but not limited to, annual August/May workshops or the Faculty Colloquium Series. FDC and CETAL will work with each recipient to determine the best venue for presentation.

Tenure-line and teaching-track faculty are eligible for each award as appropriate. Applications will be solicited following a nomination process. Self-nominations are encouraged. Because of the nature of accomplishments recognized in each award, receiving a University Excellence award does not preclude one from being considered for the same award in a different award cycle. Each award focuses on recent achievements, accomplishments, and contributions and can therefore be awarded multiple times to the same individual. Kemp honorees are invited to celebrate their recent accomplishments beginning five years after receiving the award and therefore are eligible for an Excellence award after that point. Because Endowed Chairs and Professors have been recognized and compensated for excellence in all aspects of their professional lives, and continued excellence is expected as part of their appointment, they are not eligible for University Excellence Awards.

An annual call for Excellence Awards nominations will be made by the Dean of Curriculuar & Faculty Development. Nominators should submit a brief (no more than 400 words) nomination rationale explaining how the nominee has exemplified excellence in the relevant domain of their professional life. Self nominations are encouraged. Please note that self nominations do not require a formal nomination rationale. Instead, please notify the Dean via email (thorpe@iwu.edu) of your intention to apply by the nomination deadline listed below. Nominees will be contacted by the Dean who will solicit a complete application from the nominee. The application will include a current C.V. and a narrative (no more than 1000 words) detailing the nominee’s accomplishments as they pertain to the Excellence Award for which they have been nominated. Applications will be reviewed by a committee of faculty members including representatives from FDC (2) and CETAL (2) as well as the Dean. Nominees will not be included in the review process so as not to disadvantage self-nominees. Nominations are due via email to the Thorpe Center. Nominees will be notified by the Dean, who will solicit application materials once during the academic year.

The Excellence in Teaching Award is designed to recognize and highlight strong pedagogical practices that enhance the student experience at IWU or advance pedagogical practices in higher education generally. Particular emphasis is on innovative and/or high impact teaching practices with measurable success. While some teaching awards emphasize a career of teaching excellence, this award is meant to acknowledge the work that may be foundational to building a career of teaching excellence. Criteria on which applicants may be evaluated include:

  1. Excellence in classroom teaching as indicated by outstanding student and peer reviews of teaching as well as evidence of student learning.
  2. Activities inside and outside the classroom that indicate extraordinary service to students. Such activities might include, but are not limited to, academic advising, use of technologies that facilitate learning, co-curricular and/or community-based learning opportunities, and facilitation of experiential learning.
  3. Efforts at improving teaching such as assessing the effectiveness of teaching activity and employing innovative approaches (nominee’s original approach or adapted from another) to instruction that enhances student learning.
  4. (Other) Evidence of impacting the education of students more broadly: outside of one’s own teaching, within one’s department, throughout IWU, and outside of the University; evidence of scholarship of teaching and learning. Special consideration will be given to more recent achievements (e.g., during the past three years).

Previous recipients of this award include: Wendy Kooken (2024), Cristina Almeida-Velez (2023), Elizabeth Haywood (2022), & Brandi Reissenweber (2022).

The Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Work Award is designed to recognize outstanding contributions to one’s professional discipline. Particular emphasis is on dissemination of scholarship completed at IWU beyond the IWU community. Note: It is not expected that a single achievement will be competitive enough to result in an award. Rather, successful applicants will demonstrate the establishment of a body of work/scholarly program that has impacted their field, the institution, or some combination thereof over a several year period. This could be accomplished through several related scholarly products or the connection of scholarly work with another professional achievement. Criteria by which applicants may be evaluated include:

  1. Making a significant contribution to the scholarly life and prestige of the University.
  2. The contribution must be personal ( i.e., it must be made by an individual or an individual team), it must be scholarly or creative in nature (including artistic production and/or performance), and it must be accomplished while at IWU.
  3. The Award may be given in recognition of significant productivity in the current academic year or in recognition of a consistently high level of personal scholarly activity over the last few years. The Award can be given for a single outstanding scholarly/artistic achievement or for a combination of notable achievements; special consideration will be given to more recent achievements (e.g., during the past three years). Examples of contributions meriting the attention of the Committee would be the following:
    • The recent publication of a book, a monograph, or other significant and refereed publications in a learned or professional journal.
    • The recent delivery of a scholarly lecture or series of lectures.
    • The completion of a significant research project that has regional, national, or international impact.
    • Participation in a conversation, conference, or workshop program in a significant role such as speaker, consultant, or discussion leader.
    • Election to office in a learned or professional society, or other special recognition by such an organization.
    • Artistic accomplishments may include, but are not limited to, the creation of art objects, musical compositions, exhibitions of artwork, performances, directorial work, and professional work in the mass media.

Previous recipients of this award include:  Marie Nebel-Schwalm (2024) & Brenda Lessen Knoll (2023).

The Excellence in Service Award recognizes significant contributions to the IWU and surrounding community through service broadly defined. Criteria by which applications may be evaluated include:

  1. Leadership at IWU (in governance or other administrative work); nominee does not need to have served in an administrative position but may have demonstrated outstanding leadership in other ways
  2. Mentoring of student activities
  3. Sponsorship of IWU or community events
  4. Creation/introduction or enhancement of services to IWU or community
  5. Other demonstrations of service; special consideration will be given to more recent achievements (e.g., during the past three years).

Previous recipients of this award include: Carmela Ferradáns (2024), Stephanie Davis-Kahl (2023), & Leah Nillas (2022).