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Example Course Plan

International & Global Studies Course Plan (first 3 semesters)

IWU Course Catalog

This is an example course plan based on the 2024-2025 University Catalog; your actual schedule may deviate from this example. Your faculty advisor will work with you to select appropriate courses.

Fall Semester

Spring Semester

  • General Education course
  • Choose one of the following:
    • ART 322 Global Contemporary Art (AR,G)
    • HIST 101 Introduction to Japanese History (CHC,G)
    • HIST 122 Modern Global History (CHC, G) 
    • LC 222 The New Spanish Citizen (IT, G) 
    • LC 246 Visual Cultures of Modern Spain (IT, G) 
    • PSCI 102 International Politics (CHC, G) 
    • LC 250 Intercultural Communication (G) required for the Intercultural Competence academic certificate
  • Second Language course
  • Physical Education (PEY)

Summer Term (optional)

  • Choose one of the international travel courses offered in May 
  • INST 397 Internship
  • UNIV 397 Internship 

Fall Semester *

*It is advisable that majors meet with the International & Global Studies Program Director to choose courses in their areas of concentration.

Second Language
  • The International & Global Studies (IGS) major requires a third semester of language proficiency, and encourages students to pursue their language studies beyond the required proficiency level. 
  • IGS majors should be advised to begin their study in the second language of their choice during their first year. See the current Program of Classes in myiwu for second language options. 
Study Abroad
  • Although study abroad is not required for International & Global Studies (IGS) majors and minors, it is highly recommended. The Study Abroad Office offers a variety of semester, short-term, and exchange study abroad programs that you can choose from. Visit the Study Abroad page for options and discuss your plans with your academic advisor. 
Additional Information
  • IGS is an interdisciplinary program; you will be taking 100 and 200-level classes in a variety of disciplines and programs across campus. By choosing to major or minor in IGS you will be also fulfilling the IWU Shared Curriculum requirements along the way. 
  • Students majoring in IGS are required to take INST 240 Thinking Globally: An Introduction in the spring semester of their first year, and INST 488 Senior Seminar in the fall semester of their senior year. 
  • The IGS program offers major concentrations and minors in two areas: Asian Studies , and International Relations and Global Development. IGS majors and minors are strongly encouraged to discuss their course plans with the IGS Director and their academic advisor during fall semester of their first year.
  • If you are interested in the International Relations and Global Development concentration, you should consider taking ECON 100 (CSI) in your first year, since this is a prerequisite for many upper division elective courses in IGS. 
Carmela Ferradáns headshot

Carmela Ferradáns - Director of International & Global Studies, Professor of Hispanic Studies World Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Department - World Languages, Literatures And Cultures