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Borrow & Renew

Library Servies Desk
Library Services Desk

Contact Us:

Library Services/Circulation Desk: 309-556-3350
Library Services Desk Manager: 309-556-3172
Email: circ@iwu.edu

Borrowing privileges for IWU students and faculty

  • Students, faculty, and staff are automatically granted library borrowing privileges.
  • The university identification card acts as your library card. Individuals should present this card to borrow items from The Ames Library. It may be necessary to activate the card the first time you use services at the library.
  • Circulating items, such as books and audio-visual materials, may be borrowed at the Library Service Desk. Items obtained via are also checked out at this desk.
  • Laptops and media equipment may be borrowed at the Library Service Desk.
  • Renew your items information - Please note that when the final renewal period has been reached, the item needs to come back to the library for inventory purposes before it can be checked out again.
  • All users are responsible for the items they check out. Please do not lend the items you have checked out to others.

Log-in to accounts online:

  • - Renew items owned by IWU or I-Share
  • - Renew ILLiad items

Other information

IWU Loan Periods:

Library Collections

Item Students Faculty & Staff
Books, CD's, DVD's, and Scores 4 weeks, 3 renewals 16 weeks, 3 renewals
Bound Journals 5 days, 1 renewal 5 days, 1 renewal
Microform Building use only Building use only
Popular Reading Collection 4 weeks, 1 renewal 4 weeks, 1 renewal
Reserve materials, traditional Building use only Building use only

Technology and Equipment
(Please note: no renewals on technology and equipment)

Item Students Faculty & Staff
Camcorders (SD Card) 5 days 5 days
Digital Audio Recorders 5 days 5 days
Digital Cameras (Canon PowerShot) 5 days 5 days
Ethernet Cables 5 hours 5 hours
Headphones N/A N/A
Headset w/Microphone 5 days 5 days
iPads N/A 2 weeks
Kindle eReader 3 weeks 3 weeks
Laptops (Chromebooks, MAC & PC) 5 days 2 weeks
LCD projectors 5 days 5 days
Screens, tripods 5 days 5 days
Webcams 5 days 5 days

Additional Items

Item Students Faculty & Staff
Bicycles 1 day 1 day
Padlocks for lockers 1 week 1 week
Tote Bags 1 week 1 week
Umbrella 1 week 1 week

Loan periods and lost item policies for materials are determined by the library which owns the item.

Overdue IWU Materials

  • Items are considered overdue one day after the due date.  The Ames Library does not charge fines for overdue material.
  • Items that are 28 days overdue are considered Lost.
  • Students are automatically blocked in the Voyager system for locally-owned items that are more than 28 days overdue. Questions regarding this policy can be directed to the Library Services Desk manager.
  • Media equipment, including laptops, cannot be checked out again within a 24 hour period.

Lost IWU Items

  • After an item is overdue for 28 days, it reaches “Lost” status.
  • STUDENTS are automatically blocked in the system for locally-owned items once fines reach $30.
  • FACULTY & STAFF are automatically blocked in the system for locally-owned items once fines reach $300.

Standard circulation system charges for lost items are as follows:

Item Replacement Cost
Book, CD, DVD, Journal, Microflim, and Score $75
Bicycle $250
Kindle/eReader $100
Media Equipment $800
Padlock, Tote Bag, & Umbrella $10


These standard circulation system charges may be higher or lower depending on the actual replacement cost. In some instances, with prior approval by a librarian, users may have the option to purchase a new, legally produced copy of the lost item. Contact the Library Services Desk manager before attempting to replace an item.

Questions about procedures can be directed to the Library Services Desk Manager (Katy Ritter, x3172.) 


I-Share Materials

Print materials (books and scores) are requestable for 28 days, with 3 renewal periods.

Non-print materials (DVD's and CD's) are requestable for 14 days, with 1 renewal period.

If you have an item that is 21 days overdue, you will be blocked at the owning institution until you either return the item or pay the replacement cost. An item moves to "lost" status once it is 35 days overdue and you will receive a notice to pay the replacement cost.