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Guide to First Year Mathematics

Note: Anyone, including first-year students, considering a major, minor, or concentration in Mathematics should consult with a mathematics advisor each term before they register.  Please see Dr. Drici in office C209B of the science building.  You may also reach her by phone at 556-3669 or by email at zdrici@iwu.edu.  Mathematics majors should take the Applied Analysis sequence.  Moreover, it is important to begin these sequences in the Fall Term of the freshman year.  Some programs require or need their majors to have completed certain mathematics courses by a particular time in their student's academic career.  Students should carefully review any such expectations and complete the appropriate mathematics courses on schedule.

Note: Most mathematics courses, by the nature of the discipline, have prerequisites.  Please do not attempt to enroll in a mathematics course for which you do not have the prerequisites.  Credit will not be allowed for any course that taken after the successful completion of another course for which the first course was a prerequisite. To see if you qualify for an exception to this policy, please contact Dr. Drici.

The Applied Analysis Sequence 

All Students will begin their study of mathematics with Calculus l, Math 176. The Calculus sequence at IWU is an alternative approach to the standard calculus material, which uses a more sophisticated and rigorous approach and integrates multivariate calculus with single variable calculus. Placement into Calculus ll, Math 177 or Calculus lll, Math 278 via AP credit is not allowed.

Elementary Education Majors

Most Elementary Education majors should take Mathematical Concepts for Elementary Teachers I, Math 105, in the Fall Term.  They should also take Mathematical Concepts for Elementary Teachers II, Math 106, in the Spring Term.  Please notice that Math 105 is offered only in the Fall Term, while Math 106 is offered only in the Spring Term.  Math 105 is a strict prerequisite for Math 106. Students should avoid schedule conflicts with these courses.  Math 105 and 106 do not count towards the mathematics major.  Exception:  Elementary Education majors who wish to minor or complete a state endorsement in mathematics should take Applied Analysis I and II instead of Math 105 and 106.


Students who do not fall into the two above categories, and who wish to take a mathematics course, other than Math 176, to satisfy their formal reasoning requirement, should take Finite Mathematics, Math 110, or Discrete Mathematics I, Math 135 or any course in the 140 series, i.e., Math 140,141,143, 145. Finite Mathematics, Math 110, is offered in each fall and spring term.  Discrete Mathematics I, Math 135, and Mathematics of Finance, Math 140 is offered once a year, currently in the fall term.  Math 110, 135 and 140-145 do not count towards the major in Mathematics.

Note: None of the courses mentioned in this document will be offered in May Term.

We have a strong mathematics program and we hope that you enjoy your mathematics and find mathematics to be a meaningful experience.