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Auditing a Course

Students may wish to attend a course (lecture courses only) as listeners or visitors.  Auditors must obtain the permission of the instructor of the course and register for the course in the Registrar’s Office.  The instructor is under no obligation to grade papers for an auditor or to allow participation in the course.  No grade is given for auditing, nor is work counted toward a degree.  Students may request to audit courses that have a lab component by submitting a Petition for Academic Exception.  A student auditing a course may be dropped for nonattendance at the discretion of the instructor or the University.

Students who are enrolled full‐time may audit one course each semester (fall and spring) for no additional tuition charge.  Full‐time students who are taking a course overload and wish to audit a class in addition to the overload will be charged the auditing fee.  Part‐time students will be charged the auditing fee for each course audited.  The audit option is not available to students during May Term.

Audit Authorization form