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Transfer Credit

Students interested in attending IWU and current IWU students may use a free online resource to research how their courses and test credits will transfer.

Prospective Students

If you are planning to attend IWU or transfer to IWU, use to check how your classes will transfer. You’ll set up a free account and enter classes you’ve taken or plan to take.

Here is a


Current IWU Students

You may have changed majors and need to catch up on classes or want to take a summer class to get ahead. Check the Transfer FAQ and then use to find a replacement course to transfer to IWU.  You’ll set up a free account and use the Find a Replacement Course feature in the top right corner of the page. Here is a

If you are currently attending IWU, you should submit a Transfer of Credit Request Form to the Registrar’s Office at Registrar@iwu.edu or in Holmes Hall room 110.


Staff and Faculty

is a website tailored for school staff and faculty. If you have a TES account, use your TES log in and password to access Transferology Lab. If you do not have an account with the TES course review program, please contact the Registrar’s Office.

Advisors can use the tool to assist IWU students who plan to take a class at another college or university over the summer or while on a leave of absence.

Staff and faculty can also view all classes that have been reviewed for equivalency using the in the Transferology Lab.



Need help? Use the Transferology Support site or contact the IWU Registrar’s Office.