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Please download the form you need.

Complete the form, save it and email the form from your IWU email address to the appropriate party (department chair/instructor/etc.) for approval. If you are sending your form to resolve a registration error please include a screenshot of your error message.

If approved, the department chair or instructor will then forward their approval to the Registrar's Office at registrar@iwu.edu

Image Title Description
Overload form
                                       Academic Overload Application 
(Use to overload up to one course unit)
  Audit  Audit  (Use to Audit a course - Not for Degree Credit)
Closed Class Closed Class (Use to enroll in a course that is at full enrollment)
  Course Approval form College Credit Earned Prior to High School Graduation (For students entering prior to Fall 2019. Use to count college credit taken in High School but NOT used to meet High School graduation requirements)
  Credit No Credit Credit/No Credit  (Use to count a course as pass/fail)
  Independent Study Independent Study (Use to register for an Independent Study)
  Study Abroad Course Approval  Study Abroad "Course Approval Form"  (Use to pre-approve planned Study Abroad courses)
  Transfer of credit   Transfer of Credit

(Current students use to pre-approve transfer courses).

Labs and Second Language courses require verification after the course is complete

Waiver form Waiver Form for Registration (Use to waive various requirements for courses)

Image Title Description
Major Minor Advisor Form Change of Major/Minor/Certificate/Advisor Form (Use to change your major, minor, advisor or catalog year)
Declaration of Educational Goal Declaration of Educational Goal and Pre-Professional Programs (Use to declare or remove an educational goal such as Pre-Med, Pre-Engineering, etc)
  3-2 Participation form 3-2 Participation Form (Use to declare participation in a 3-2 program with a partner institution (such as Engineering or Occupational Therapy)

Special Majors/Minors:

Image Title Description
Special Contract Major Minor form

Application for Interdisciplinary Major/Minor

(Use to apply for an Interdisciplinary Major or Minor - must include courses from at least two departments, schools or programs)
Interdisciplinary Major Minor form Application for Special Contract Major or Minor (Use to apply for a Special Contract Major or Minor)


Image Title Description
Apostille for diploma or transcript Apostille for Diploma and/or Transcript (Use to request Apostille for foreign verification of diplomas/transcripts)
Petition for Academic Exception Petition for Academic Exception (Use to request academic exception such as late adds/drops, overload without meeting GPA, attach Gen Ed to a course, etc)
Replacement Diploma request Replacement Diploma (Use to request replacement ONLY for lost/damaged diplomas)